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Paediatric Massage

What is Paediatric Massage?

Paediatric massage is a gentle form of massage therapy specifically designed for children aged 0 to 12. It uses lighter pressure and techniques tailored to a child’s developing body and needs, such as softer bones and delicate skin.

Our bodies have a natural ability to heal and maintain balance. Our paediatric massage relies on the principles of TCM, improving the flow of Qi through the meridians and acupressure points to help children regain their health. The gentle pressure and rhythmic movements can improve circulation, boost the immune system and ease discomfort from common childhood ailments like colic and constipation.

Paediatric massage can also improve a child’s sleep quality and emotional well-being by creating a calming and nurturing environment.

Why The Need for Paediatric Massage

The physiology of a child is different from that of an adult, necessitating specialised paediatric massage targeting different acupoints to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Underdeveloped Digestive System: Children’s organs, or Zang-fu, are considered immature and delicate in TCM. This means that their digestive systems (Spleen and Stomach) are particularly fragile and prone to dysfunction, leading to issues like indigestion and diarrhoea.

Delicate Respiratory System: Children also have delicate lungs, another vital organ in TCM. Their lungs are easily affected by external pathogens, making them more prone to respiratory illnesses.

Unstable Qi and Blood: The instability in children’s Qi and blood can manifest as hyperactivity, restlessness or sleep disturbances.

Excess Yang: Children are inherently Yang in nature, meaning they possess abundant energy, but also a greater susceptibility to Yin and Yang imbalance due to their rapid growth and development.

In essence, TCM views children’s physiology as “excess Yang, insufficient Yin”, with immature organs and unstable Qi and blood. Therefore, paediatric massage is essential to address these unique characteristics to promote harmonious growth and development.

Benefits of Paediatric Massage

Improve Digestive Health

Paediatric massage, such as Tui Na, helps strengthen the Spleen and Stomach, improving digestion and nutrient absorption, which are crucial for healthy growth and alleviates issues like poor appetite, indigestion and diarrhoea.

Strengthen Respiratory Function

Paediatric massage techniques can tonify Lung qi, improving respiratory function to reduce the frequency and severity of colds and other respiratory issues like rhinitis, cough and asthma.

Enhance Sleep Quality

Many children struggle with getting a good night’s sleep. Paediatric massage can enhance the quality of sleep by encouraging relaxation and calming the nervous system.

Boost Body Immunity

Paediatric massage is used to strengthen the immune system of a child, boosting their body constitution and increasing resistance against cold, flu or fever.

Manage Pain

Children can experience various aches and pains, from growing pains to sports injuries. Paediatric massage alleviates discomfort by improving circulation and reducing muscle tension.

Reduce Anxiety and Stress Relief

Just like adults, children may experience stress in their daily lives. Paediatric massage helps to calm the mind (Shen) and stabilise qi and blood, promoting emotional balance and overcoming anxiety.

Who is Paediatric Massage Suitable For?

Paediatric massage is particularly beneficial for children experiencing digestive issues (colic, gas, constipation), respiratory problems (flu, asthma), weak immunity or sleep disturbances. Children experiencing anxiety, stress or developmental challenges can also benefit significantly from pediatric massage.

While generally safe, paediatric massage may not be suitable for children with infectious diseases, skin diseases, open wounds or fractures. It’s always best to consult with your doctor before booking a paediatric massage for your child.

FAQs on Paediatric Massage

Our paediatric massage can benefit newborns as young as a few weeks old up to 12 years old.

Paediatric massage is generally very safe. Some children may experience temporary soreness or mild discomfort, which usually resolves quickly. A good therapist will always use very light pressure and adapt the massage to your child’s age and comfort level.

The frequency of paediatric massage sessions will depend on your child’s individual needs and preferences. For general wellness, weekly sessions may be sufficient. Those with specific health issues may do well with monthly massages. Consult our TCM practitioners to discuss a proper schedule for your child.

A typical session lasts between 30 to 60 minutes depending on your child’s age and cooperation. You should avoid your child’s nap time before coming for the paediatric massage. Our paediatric massage therapist will apply gentle strokes and acupressure typically focusing on the back, arms, legs and feet.

No, your child won’t need to undress for a paediatric massage. They can wear loose-fitting clothing, and only the areas being massaged will be exposed.